Our dog Sam
I thought that I would write a little about our "first son" Samuel Marshmallow, he is a Lhasa Apso he is the best dog ever here is history on him. L and I were together for about 5 months and L decided that she wanted a snake, I know yuck, we went to the pet shop and I saw this cute little puppy. I had just gotten my income tax check and I thought we needed him, as I remember the story L said no we don't need a dog, I told her to just hold him he is sooooo cuuuuttteeee! ( I am sure that it came out just like that too) she took him from me, and he put his little smelly, sweaty puppy paws on L's face, and **BAM** it was love! We brought him home and 3 days later (it may have been more but I am pretty sure it wasn't less) Sam got his name, he just looks like a Sam well his real name is Samuel Marshmallow. He is now 4 he will be 5 on 12/29/08. I couldn't imagine us without his, I mean sure he is lazy and he snores really load, he has cost us more in medical bills then our own daughter, but it was all well worth it. Here is Sam;
this is how he spends 22 hours out of the day;
once in awhile he goes out and plays;
he doesn't mind getting dressed;
We think that he looks like this;
So that's Sam, we have another dog Gus and a cat Buster and I will talk about them another day, but since Sam is our first I thought I should start with him.
He looks so cute with his shirt on! Nobody understands that dogs ARE children unless they have one themselves.
September 18, 2008 at 12:10 PM
What a cutie. I can't believe he tolerates being dressed up. I stick a holiday collar on either of my dogs and they spend the next 24 hours trying to gnaw the thing off....
(And, for the record, I did manage to stay away from the alcohol today as I plastered Hannah Montana crap all over my basement, but I'm predicting I'll bust it out before noon tomorrow...)
September 19, 2008 at 7:22 PM
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