
Grocery budget

Our shopping goes from the 15th-15th since thats when I get paid so here is the shopping trip from this week, and the budget for the rest of the month;

4 lbs chicken breast 6.96
cool whip free .88
5 bags frozen veggies .88 each
3 can tomato .53 each
2 dole salad manager special .75 each
2 # baby carrots .79 each
2 bunches green onion 1.00
2.54 # cabbage 1.27
1 bunch cilantro .44
4 VERY LARGE green peppers 2.00 (these were 2/1.00 so I always look for the biggest to get the most for our money these are like softball size if not bigger)
8.14# spaghetti squash 3.99
6.42 # banana 2.50

total 29.82
and we earned a 5.00 coupon from Smiths new rewards program that I will get in the mail @ the first of the year

2 packs baby back ribs 2.99#
total 16.20
we cant have these to often since they are pretty high in points but once in a while wont hurt, we had one rack last Sunday and then there is one more in the freezer.

10 Cucumbers (price match) 1.00
roma tomato .68
limes (price match) 6/1.00
lettuce 1.24
3.58# pears 4.19
orowheat sandwich thins 1.50
orowheat double fiber bread 1.50 (this bread is HUGE and worth the 1 point per slice. there is 14g of fiber in each slice)
canned pumpkin (price match) 1.88
mushrooms 1.50
deli buffalo chicken 2.50
deli pepper ham 3.00
flat out wraps 2.48
WW cream cheese 2.48
4 WW yogurt 2.24
fajita seasoning .78
100 calorie cookies 4.38
100 calorie Reese's snacks 2.78
and a mystery item 3.66

total 38.12

For the rest of the month our budget will look like this
*22-29 100.00
*Thanksgiving 68.00 I think this is WAY over budget but since we are cooking for 10 I thought I would rather be safe then sorry
*29-dec 6 100.00 (probably over budget here too since we are going to be eating alot of leftover turkey)
*7-15 100.00

I know that 100.00 a week seems like alot to spend for 3 people just for food, especially since I love coupons and use to be able to do it for 60.00 or less, but we have changed the way we are eating, we are buying a lot of fresh produce, hardly any boxed side dishes. And instead of generic snack foods we are buying name brand since they are better for us (low calorie, and high fiber) I am using up mostly meat that we already have in our freezer and then we will be switching to ground turkey or chicken, and lean cuts of pork. Thats why you wont see too many meat purchases for the next few weeks, unless I can find a really good sale. I am hoping to get an extra turkey again this year so I can cook it @ March and we can have another week of (cheap) turkey meals we'll see how cheap I can get them for this year. Usually Grumpy gets a voucher for a turkey in November and then a 200.00 grocery gift card in December, but with the economy being what it is we arent going to count on either of those, which sucks, but a bi-weekly pay check is better.
I really need to start on my Thanksgiving menu, I guess I will go start that now, I dont know why I am procrastinating.... oh well


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