
Meal Planning Monday

Usually organizing junkie hosts MPM but she is on vacation so it is being held by the heavenly homemaker we went to the farmers market so we will be adding in some of the fresh veggies. We already did all our shopping on Friday so we are all set for the week (unless there some good sales that start on Wednesday.) Most of the stuff we already had here, we have a chest freezer and I stockpile like a mad person (thinking about posting pix this week, so watch for that) I found the taste fo home web site so alot of this weeks recipes are coming from there, so the links are provided.

So here is the plan for the week-

Monday- Meatloaf, pasta salad, and corn on the cob from the farmers market.

Wedensday- No Fuss Pork Chops with english peas from the farmers market

Thursday- Talapia with corn salsa with jalapeno cheese bread, from the farmers market

Friday- 4th of July no meal planned, prbablly hot dogs and hamburgers....


Blogger Stacy and Brian's Adventures in Life said...

The Thai Fettucine looks so good. I think I am going to have to make this. Love all the Thai flavors, but never thought to add pasta! Thanks for sharing.

June 30, 2008 at 5:01 PM

Blogger Trish said...

The Thai Fettucine is a standard at our house. You'll love it!
I recommend using Mild Salsa. We like things really hot at our house and we still prefer to use mild for this recipe so you don't kill your taste buds for all the other yummy flavors in the dish.

July 8, 2008 at 4:51 PM


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