So, Saturday and Sunday we had a yard sale at my mother in laws,we got rid of alot of my SIL baby things. We also sold a ton of Snow Whites clothes and alot of other randoms, we ended up making 73.00 each and then we both gave Jackie 5.00 so 68.00 each. To just hang out and clear out the shed, I'd say that was pretty good, I know it was really hot this weekend, but there is a HUGE tree in my mother in laws yard and it blocks about 95% of the sun so it wasnt really too hot.
~also this weekend, as you all should know I babysit during the week well when we moved in there was a pile of wood in our back yard that I gave to the dad of the kids then his dad saw that we had a random floating gate in our yard which you can kinda see in the picture, well now that's gone, as is the funny little tree that I loved but killed. Then we found out that the dad is out of work but he is a handy man and gave us a really good deal on painting, so he is starting this morning with Snow Whites bathroom so look for those before and after pictures soon.

~I am happy to report that we haven't done any grocery shopping so we are still at 150.00 (until the 15) I am going to try to get to Smiths for the double coupon event, maybe tonight, but I think if I dont make it, I wont be missing out on much since I refuse to read the thread about it on PYP, and I have never done it before. I am going to try to eat what we have in the house this week again then when we get back we can go and do some shopping we are going to be on vacation, (well stay-cation) from the 17-21 so we will do alot of eating at home so I would like to have extra grocery cash for that, but. we'll see, no promises, I may just end up at Smiths tomorrow and blow the whole budget!
I think that's all for now, if you have any ideas on what we can do (that's really cheap)with kids in Vegas I would love to hear!
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