
Soccer DEALS

Snow White starts soccer next week, so we had to go and get her a new pair of cleats and shin guards, at Sports Authority they do bundles, the one that we usually get is shoes, shin guards and a ball for 29.97 (it the Brine brand) well when we went yesterday she was trying on the shoes and we saw Adidas on clearance for 9.97 (regular 20.00) then they had shin guards clearance for 3.97 (regular 11.99) and the ball is the same size that we already had so we didn't really need it so we got the clearance stuff instead, when we got to the register the shin guards rang up 2.97 so we saved 18.16 if we would have bought it all regular price, and 16.14 if we would have bought what we went in there for.
The moral of the story, check the single prices before you by a bundle!!
and these shoes (they have some purple detail that you cant see in the picture) are so much cuter then the Brine ones that were black and red.


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