budget 1/9-1/15 And pictures
Well here we are the end of the "food month" we have... 38.87 shouldnt be too hard to do. We have SO much chicken in our freezer so meat wont be on the list, but produce does eat up a huge part of our budget I'm sure I can figure it out. Ill post the shopping trip and menu in a few days when I get it all figured out. I should do it tonight.... I might do it...
So in December we decided to go and get pictures taken these are NOT xmas pictures, they are however pictures we took the week before xmas.... after loosing a combined total of about 40 lbs... (we are at 50 now)

What a beautiful family!! Congratulations on your continued weight loss success! You both are inspirations, truly =)
Looking forward to your menu.
January 9, 2010 at 10:21 AM
Great pictures! Congrats on the weight loss success!
January 13, 2010 at 8:57 PM
ya'll are so cute! way to go on the weight loss!
January 15, 2010 at 4:10 PM
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