
grocery shopping

I know I have been really bad about posting my trips but I have an excuse....
1. I cant stop watching youtube videos
2. because of #1 I am too busy trying to stay on top of laundry
3. My little sister has so much drama in her life that
I spend a minimum of 2 hours chatting with her
4. one word "twitter"
5. I am just to lazy
I am going with #5 that is probablly the closest thing to the truth!
I have done some shopping, Grumpy is sick so we had to get her some cider and a few other things, today I went again and got green sauce, ice cream, coffee creamer, just some random things.
as of right now we have enough to break it down to 49.00 for next week (4/6-4/12) and 49.00 for the week after (4/13-4/19)
I will try really hard to stay on top of all of the trips from now on


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