
our first house guest

we have lived in our home since May 2009, and next weekend our very first house guest will be coming to stay with us, who is? My uncle why is he coming? to give me a brand new roof! Yes thats right, we need a new roof... its a big long story and I dont want to re-live it so I wont, but what it comes down to is, our inspector (National Property Inspections) said it was a 4-6 year old roof, with 2 layers, he never even got on the ladder to look at it, its really a 13 year or older roof with 3 layers how do we know, because in our back living room the ceiling started to split right down the center a few weeks ago and yes we have insurance, and a warranty, but wanna know what they say "well thats just normal wear and tear on a 13 year old roof" makes sense I guess. Doesn't make us happy but what can you do? Ill tell you, you can suck it up call your (new) favorite Uncle, buy him a plane ticket out from TX, and have him do the work and save some money, and you can also, send all your friends (and stalkers)a warning....

Save your money, be sure that you have an ER fund, roofs are very expensive! If my uncle were not coming out it would be 5000-6500.0! Also if you are buying a home and the inspector doesnt get on the roof, spend the 200-350.00 to get a second opinion!
Ill keep you all posted on the progress he will be here the 20th


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