
Is it Friday?

We had a weird weekend, I am still trying to figure out where it went. Friday Grumpys little sister stayed the night and they watched scary movies, the little lady and I watched girly movies. Saturday was just lazy, Mortal Kombat was on the TV for about 7 hours.

Easter came and it was finally a day for binging! We signed up for the pancake revolution on IHOP's facebook page and got a coupon for a free Rooty Tooty... We got up early and headed over, we ate too much and when we went to pay, the cashier hit the wrong button, the asst. manager came to fix it the screen froze and she gave us are WHOLE meal free! The whole $39.00 Amazing deal!

Water for Elephants and fast and the furious were not playing at the drive in (hopefully this weekend) so on Easter we ended up at the dollar theater we watched Tangled (for the first time) and I am #4 both really good movies!

After we headed over to MIL's for a traditional Easter, ham dinner it was delicious, I am regretting not grabbing more to bring home!


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