
Meal Planning Monday!

Well its Monday again, we had a fun weekend, we went to Ikea on Saturday and got a new comforter set for our bed and for H's, it was so nice sleeping in our "new beds" I meant to take before and after pictures, but I got so excited I forgot! On Sunday we took the dogs to the dog park, Sam and Gus got to meet some new friends and swim in the creek thing they had a good time!

Here is the menu for the week.
Monday- tacos
Tuesday- Baked chicken, rice, veggie
Wednesday- Jambalaya (we had Chinese last Saturday so this is a carry over)
Thursday- Raviolis, Texas Toast, mixed veggies
Friday- home made pizza
Saturday- Hot Dogs (its our "nieces" Bday so I don't even know that we will be home)
Sunday- Ribs, corn

For more meal plans, go to, orgjunkie.com


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