It has been awhile; I am not sure if I have been too busy to blog, or if I have not been busy enough. instead of starting from 4/5-now I will just give you a few updates.
*We went to a Jazz v Laker game it was alot of fun.
*We had our first "non holiday" family dinner, that was also fun, I am looking forward to planning a few more.
*We have been enjoying binge days
*family dates last weekend we went and watched Rio it was so funny! This weekend we are planning a double feature, Water for Elephants and Fast and the Furious 5.
*Grumpy and the little lady have found some bonding over Mortal Combat on the Xbox it is so funny to watch them play together.
*I am on week 4 of the couch 2 5k program and even got some new running shoes
On a not so "fun" note
*Grumpy had the flu for 5 days and had to take a day off work to recover she had to miss 2 boot camp classes, but is back at it
*My Great Grandma has been in the hospital in CA since Sunday. We considered taking the trip out there but it turned out that she is recovering nicely
*My mom has to go thru a few weeks of radiation therapy for her breast cancer.
I will Blog more, I will Blog more!