Meal Planning Monday

So last night brought a whirlwind of events, a very stressful situation came about and our little family was in severe turmoil, however in the light of a new day everything is much clearer and we are doing much better (I hope) but it got me thinking, in times like those what are a few things that we can do to not freak out.... I tried to find comfort in visiting some of my favorite web sites, tried online shopping (I couldn't find anything that I wanted, I know that's a tragedy in itself), I tried reading some of my Avon info that I have never looked at, but nothing was working so in came a yahoo search! Here's what I found,
Okay we don't have any boys in the house, but I am sure this will make a good christmas gift of birthday gift for some of you out there. It is only valid 6-19 to 7-5 here is the link for it. Only one per person. I went to it and my stupod printer thought that it would be a good idea not to work... so I missed out on it...
Meal Planing Monday is on hold for the time being, H's isn't around bugging me with the "whats for dinner?" every other hour, so I am taking a break from posting a menu, but I am starting to cook ahead, tonight we are having Lime Chicken Tacos (recipe at the bottom) made in the crock, since it is summer already, I am trying not to turn on the oven too much, its hot enough in here, so I wrapped up some potatoes in foil and they are cooking in the crock for tomorrows steaks (hopefully they will go on the grill!) I started to think about cooking ahead when I started watching Quick Fix Meals with Robin Miller on the food network, she has good ideas but sometimes her food is a little too "fancy" for me, we are a meat and potato kinda family so I just use her technique. Also there is a once a month cooking site that I have been looking at, I am considering a few of their recipes, but right now i have a 12# Turkey in the freezer and I only have 1 freezer bag so that wont really work out, maybe in the winter when its not a million degrees out! hmmm I need to cook that turkey!
So I am not as "hard core" as my friend Erin, but I do my best! I bought;
Labels: saving money
I joined in Dec. of 2007 today I cashed out 35.00 in gift cards that will be used for Christmas or birthday presents, 1 25.00 walmart and one 10.00 barnes and nobel. All I do is open emails that I receive, look at the offer and if I like it I sign up for it, if I don't like it, I still get 5 points. When I do any online shopping, I just go to and see if they have any deals, like at if I order I will get 4 points per dollar I spend. Its really easy to get points, and if you start now you should at least be able to get 2 people crossed off your Christmas list by October! If you want a referral just leave me a comment with your email address and I will get one out to you!
Have you ever rented a movie from a Redbox? Its a great deal, usually we are already at the store and H sees something that she "has to see" So what better way to get a movie then Free! If you go to you can get codes and get free rentaals! Not that 1.00 will break you but if you get 4 movies in a week, well thats a gallon of gas!
Last summer we had so much fun going to the movies in the park with L's mom, they show older and newer movies, we take turns bringing dinner, the movies start at 9 but we usually get there really early so that we can have time to eat, play uno, gossip whatever! The CW30 puts it on so there is free popcorn, usually free energy drinks, and a few games were you can win promotional stuff, last year L's mom won tickets to see one of the Harry Potter movies that was just coming out, its a lot of fun, oh and its free so that doesn't hurt anything either! I would suggest checking with your park and recreation dept. and see if they do anything like this. .
We found out that the apartments sprinkler system is really close to our "pot" garden (as h calls it) so we really dont have to worry about watering which is good because I am pretty sure taht we would forget 85% of the time, anyhow, here some pictures of what we got going on so far. Cant wait till those strawberries are ready. And we are hoping no one comes and takes that bell pepper!