Our Dog Gus
He loves to play outside...
He loves to play outside...
Which was followed by soccer pictures at 11
CAMP ROCK!! H's new favorite movie!
he doesn't mind getting dressed;
We think that he looks like this;
So that's Sam, we have another dog Gus and a cat Buster and I will talk about them another day, but since Sam is our first I thought I should start with him.
Since giving up on Fly lady (not because it was to hard, it just wasn't working for me) I have had to come up with my own system...here is a little bit of background, I stay at home and baby sit a 2 year old Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, sometimes Friday, now I am not talking about a few hours of baby sitting, I am talking 11-13 hours a day, its alot of fun but very hard to get anything done, so I have come up with a plan of attack and here it is;
We are still waiting on all of or gift cards so we (technically) still have 79.22 to "earn" I just cashed out a 10.00 target gift card at mypoints, so as soon as that gets here I will take that off, and we have 100.00 in Target gift cards pending, I really hope that those get here in time, I am not sure what we are going to do if they aren't.
This week is for dinner;
It wasn't what I thought it was going to be. I have a routine now, I know that if I do one load of laundry a day, I will never have full hampers, I know that if I spend one day cleaning one room, (one day not the whole week, we live in a 900 square foot apartment) I will never fall behind. So I am finished with the crazy Fly lady, I cant deal with checking my emails and having there be one that is telling me to go to bed, or one that is telling me when to spend time with my family come on! So thank you for all you have taught me, but I have had enough. This will be my last post regarding Fly Lady....
Okay so since I am sorta behind on the week I am going to do these challenges today, they should be pretty easy!
So I am trying to think of a better way to do this whole Fly Lady thing, I need the list of what I have to do, but I am thinking that there is no need to post a list to my blog EVERYDAY! so then, what do I do? maybe I will just post on the first day, sometimes Monday sometimes Tuesday, and then again on Friday, my big cleaning day, I don't really know. got any ideas? what about if I posted my weekly "to do list" on the side bar and then took it off as it was finished? hmmm that might work... lets try that for a bit and see how it works, no challenges over there, they are too long, so I will post only those on a daily basis.
I was going to post about my fabulous homework basket that I put together for H but it was already posted! (I guess I wasn't the first one to think of it!) so now I have to think of something else, what works for me....
This one is my most used one, it is on the fridge, it has the menu for the week, pay days and all the things that we have planned, birthday parties, Field trips, Dr appointment all that, I know it looks empty right now, I just changed it over so it has the last 3 weeks of Sept and the first 2 weeks of Oct.
This one is in the kitchen too, although I am not sure of its purpose, I think I am going to take it down, as soon as I can find something to put in its place.
This one is H's its in her room, she uses it to write important 8 year old stuff, like when she gets her allowance, and when her library books are due.
For more great tips, be sure to check out works for me Wednesday over at rocks in my dryer!!
At night I am going to add snacks, granola bars, pop tarts, quick stuff like that, just in case the hunger bug, hits and she is far from her lunch break. Just say NO TO 711!
Again another Tuesday went by and I did nothing, well I cleaned the garage up, washed 2 loads of laundry plus the sheets, so I guess that's not "nothing" what I mean is I did nothing from the big 'ol list! so here it is again in ALL its glory, so fun!
Well here we go again! another week of Flying! hopefully this week I wont lag as much as I did last week, So here is this weeks job, its zone 2 which is the kitchen;
Well its Monday again, we had a fun weekend, we went to Ikea on Saturday and got a new comforter set for our bed and for H's, it was so nice sleeping in our "new beds" I meant to take before and after pictures, but I got so excited I forgot! On Sunday we took the dogs to the dog park, Sam and Gus got to meet some new friends and swim in the creek thing they had a good time!
If today's list looks like an exact copy from yesterday that's because it pretty much is, but have no fear! I am going to finish it all today! so here it is;
This week I am going to participate in the grocery cart challange's recipe swap this week I made Mexican style pork chops, they were a big hit (accept the tomatoes) and super easy (and cheap) to make, here's the recipe
L and J Playing Saturday's sky
really roughing it!
Sunday's Storm coming in, still really pretty
Well I said that I would fill you in on our trip so here it goes hope you are ready it was a huge adventure!
I got rid of alot of stuff from the list yesterday so today its alot shorter! here's whats left;
I made a batch of bread pudding yesterday for dessert, it turned out pretty good, I didnt know if H and L would like it H didnt, L did, this time I left out the rasins, next time ( and there will be a next time because I Love it) they are going in! here is the recipe that I used very simple!
okay so yesterday, I didnt do too much, I got all the laundry finished, I read some of my book (alot of my book) it was a quite day (no N and H was at school) and I took full advantage of it, so today its back to "flying" here is the list of stuff that I have to get done by Friday (which will also be an N-less day, I think)
Ok so now that I am almost back into the swing of things, here are my lists for the week.
Well we made it back from our camping trip, safe and sound, I will post more about that adventure later on in the week maybe tomorrow, here is the menu for the week, it is going all the way threw Sunday I am so excited to be able to plan that far ahead!